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When someone first views your website

One of the last paragraphs of your email marketing articles

is often a call to action ( CTA ). It can be a few words or a few sentences panama mobile database , but it is vital to the lead-gen task.

Most consumers must be directly asked to buy. Somewher

e deep in the human mind, there is a hard-wired rule about not doing business without being asked.

online ad, or email message, be sure to create a concise

and carefully worded call to action that directly prompts them to take a specific action.

And note that it’s not always necessary to make a purch

ase. Sometimes it’s as simple as “click here for more information” (and sign them up for it must be feasible to achieve the objectives  your mailing list) or “check out our current sale items” (to move them to the next level of the sales funnel) or “see if you qualify for free shipping” (to give them one more incentive before closing the deal).

Clean up your website

Most working adults get at least one physical exam a year, but many business owners don’t pay attention to their main websites after they launch them.

Lead generation can be nearly impossible for o

rganizations whose websites are not user-friendly, outd singapore data ated, lack a CTA on the main page, or are so cluttered with graphics that they take forever to load.

Don’t Neglect Direct Mail

Once upon a time, direct mail was a form of lead generation. Some marketers have unwisely dismissed it as a relic of the pre-digital age. It is anything but. The many millions of pieces that make their way into mailboxes every day of the year except Sunday are testament to the current usefulness of direct mail.

When done correctly, direct mail can geographi


cally target customers based on zip codes, home ownershi

p status (mailing to homes or apartments only), car ownership status (using car owner lists), commercial property owners, and many more.

Use your own mailbox as an example. If you re

ceived a 50 percent off coupon for dinner at the new restaur

ant across the street, wouldn’t you stick it in your purse or wallet just in case?

Direct mail is alive and well, although rumors of its death have been greatly exaggerated. Using direct mail in a specific, targeted, geographic manner can be one of the least expensive ways to identify new customers.

Generating leads can be difficult. The key word is


“attention.” For marketers who pay attention to their websites

, are open to using direct mail, write compelling calls to action, leverage the power of relevant content on blogs, connect with social media influencers, take the time to create a relevant email newsletter, offer free digital samples , enable live chat, host live events, and track all related expenses, long-term investments can be critical.

Ultimately, lead-gen is more about being considerate of your potential customers than trying to sell things to people who don’t want them.

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