And somehow not.
These are the exciting dilemmas that produce real bestsellers like “The Jury” by John Grisham.
This means for your content marketing :
Solve the difficult questions of your readers and customers.
Content that only lists obvious things, is copied from Wikipedia or made with ChatGPT is not helpful.
Your reader will come to this conclusion without you.
27. Storytelling in its purest form: Memes
Storytelling Meme
The scientist Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme”.
This is a cultural asset that develops a life of its own.
It evolves.
The great thing about memes: They are a goldmine for storytellers.
Because they reflect the spirit of society in the smallest of spaces. A whole story is told with just one picture and one sentence.
Famous example: The distracted friend
Memes: Storytelling in its purest form
A whole story is told c level executive list with just one picture.
If you want to improve your storytelling, study memes.
And create your own too.
You will notice: It is not that easy to create mini-stories with funny punchlines.
While we’re at it:
What is your favorite meme? Write it in the comments.
Your next steps in storytelling
That was a lot of wood.
If you implement just half of them, you will be in the top 11% of storytellers out there.
Yes, I made up that number.
And if you want to be among the top 2% who inspire, engage and earn money with stories, then you have to be one thing:
My book ” The Content Terminator ” will help you with this.
Because ideas are not enough.
The world belongs to the doers. The creators. The brave.
Write great, be great, I’ll tell you right away.
Before that, I want to show you something:
Be honest:
Have you read the text?
I bet:
You just scrolled down to here.
The message: without ilya gorbov independent pr consultant reading the text, you know that this is about the manual transmission.
The bad news:
Most people click america email list immediately when they see this.
The text has no chance of surviving on the first page of Google (if it even makes it to the first page…).
What do I want to demonstrate with this?
Such building blocks are extremely unattractive to our eyes.