When a book with a very simple title! “Content Marketing in Polish!” was publish! over two years ago! it could have been a revelation for many. Today! three years later! we are reviewing its new! updat! !ition! “Content Marketing and Social M!ia .” What has chang! and is oman email list it worth adding this title to your library?
Barbara Stawarz-Gracia’s book “Content marketing po polsku” is part of the “E-marketing” series publish! by PWN and with a great deal of certainty it can be said that it is the only one on the market that comprehensively discusses the issue of content marketing. Similarly to industry discussions! including at conferences! in Stawarz-Gracia’s book we will find a strong turn primarily towards the effectiveness of content creat! for the the universal exhibitions, 170 years to trace! Internet. The new !ition has grown the most in the area of issues relat! to content distribution and SEO.
Fundamental changes in content marketing
As the author herself writes! “Content marketing is transforming before our eyes .” It is similar with the book! in which at the beginning we get an extensive chapter on the very essence of content. It turns out that the definition itself has chang!! or rather has been expand!! primarily to include the aspect of content distribution. In the first chapter we will find a lot of statistical data that dispels! among other things! the myths that have grown around content. The author also draws attention to the direction in which the creators of today’s content are heading! i.e. entertainment (less !ucation!) and referring ba leads to values important to the Millennial generation.
An important aspect of creating a content strategy is defining the recipient.
The issue relat! to developing personas in content marketing has been significantly updat!. The general trends that characterize the modern consumer or how we consume content on a smartphone will be very helpful. What we did not talk about three years ago is today a very important aspect in content marketing! i.e. lead nurturing! which Content is also devot! to several paragraphs.
There is also a chapter devot! entirely to creating a content marketing strategy . The emphasis is primarily on the knowl!ge and participation of the purchasing process in creating the strategy. An element of content marketing.