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Web Tuning 12 Tips for Medical Websites

As I promised last time, today I will tell you what tricks can be used on medical-themed websites .

Interesting presentation of information

Don’t place information in solid text. Experiment with its presentation. This season, geometric shapes are gaining popularity , inside which you can place both information and meaningful images.


Non-standard list of services

The services you offer to your client don’t have to be a continuous, boring text. Technology doesn’t stand still, which means your possibilities are limitless. One option is to present the information in a way that no one has done before you. On the websiteInjuryandpaindoctor You can learn about the range of services in this interesting way: by clicking on any organ on the tablet, you can get detailed information.


Show employees

Usually, when going to see a doctor, it is important for a patient not only to know his position and full name, but also what he looks like. Place detailed information about each employee with a high-quality photo on the site. Make it so that by hovering the mouse over the image of the employee, you can find out his specialization, contact information and facts about him.


Show the result “before” and “after”

If this is a website for a beauty salon or a clinic that specializes in rejuvenating procedures, it would be logical to post cases with the results of the procedures. People are used to believing evidence in the form of images of how it was before and how it became after the procedure itself. Photos will tell about your work much more effectively than empty text with promises.

Example on the websiteApskc:


Quick online booking form

It often happens that for some reason, the client cannot call the clinic and make an appointment in advance. Add a convenient form to the site to make an appointment with a doctor. All the patient needs to do is indicate their contact information and the desired date.

Good example on the siteEastvalleydentalcare:


Emotional content

If your site is related to family topics, add images whatsapp data related to emotions. Smiles, happy faces – those are the things that everyone wants to see. Let the visitor smile and feel better when they visit your site:)

On the website  Mendelics and so they did:



Who said minimalism is bad? Your site can be sparse. Hide all the information behind cute icons that, when clicked, reveal pages with information.

Found something similar on the siteAllaboutmedicaltraining :


Soulful Landing Page

There are websites that, once you visit them, you don’t want to leave for a long time. It’s all about presenting information with soul. Consistent black and white style, high-quality photos and background video. All this adds a soulful atmosphere and coziness to the site. Be sure to visit the sitehttps://www.medmarketing.co/:


Large images

Let the majority of the space on the main page be taken up by photos of your products . Remember about beautiful presentation and high quality of images. Plan a photo shoot for the products that you will advertise and display on the site.


10  Blog on the site

All users love to read. Start your own blog and write useful list of us mobile phone numbers information that is related to the topic of your site. Divide it into sections and regularly post fresh material. Try to write only unique information. Copying competitors is clearly not the best way to attract an audience.


11 Customization function

Do you want to please every visitor? Build a font color change feature into your site. When you visit the site, everyone will be able to customize the color scheme for themselves.

An example of such a site  Wedesignthemes : 


12 Block system

By dividing the information on the site into how to choose colors for your business website proportional blocks , you can save space and make the site concise. By selecting a block with the information of interest, the user will see detailed information about each of them.



These are the kinds of tricks you can implement on your site. Next Thursday you will learn tricks for a personal site .

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