What makes the difference are the actions you take to achieve the set goal. In this calendar, the actions marked in the plan are distributed and the following basic elements are assigned (and from here, each business can adjust it).
Start and end date
Execution of that action Responsible for that task, in the event that several people are involved If necessary, resources needed to el salvador phone number data execute that action. Action status: has it started? If you require attached documents You can include a “notes” section to include comments that you consider interesting.
If it is a task that includes
Several subtasks, all of them should be filled out with the necessary data. The calendar tells you whether it is actually feasible to carry . Out all the actions that had been considered in the established time frame or whether adjustments are necessary.
Also keep in mind
That it is a living tool, just like statistics in digital marketing – how to use them the strategy itself. There are many factors that are not up to you, so you have to be awake and flexible to adapt to. The circumstances and make the necessary changes.
Set KPIs and Measure KPI is the acronym for Key Performance Indicator, that is, indicators that give you light to know if the actions being carried out bring you closer to the objective or not.
I always recommend that
If you have no experience in working ee leads with metrics . You establish 2-3 that are easy to track, and avoid creating a panel full of numbers that instead. Of being a beacon becomes an indecipherable labyrinth.
For example, if the goal is to position word X in the top 10, two simple metrics can be: Received links pointing to the URL you want to position Position of that URL in Google results If the goal is to get 500 new leads, two simple metrics can be: visits to the registration page records achieved you to keep control of your strategy.