Now we have already solv all technical issues, solv all moral.
And ethical issues, information security issues relat to remote work. However, efficiency has significantly decreas, and the plane of this decrease passes through several main points.
The first point is the problem of losing horizontal communications. This was immiately apparent: the initial euphoria from being able to work from home pass, and all the positive factors (saving time on travel, comfortable home environment) began to play against us, among other things. What difficulties arose?
The biggest challenge: horizontal
Communications have practically disappear, i.e. communications between people at the same level, including within departments. Communication with your manager and subordinates, the HR service remains. Planning meetings and webinars have not gone whatsapp number list anywhere. The “feeling of camaraderie”, conversations at the water cooler, the opportunity to ask how you did this or that, to share some of your life stories – all this has disappear or been ruc to a minimum. How to solve this?
In fact, it is The challenges difficult, almost impossible. Perhaps, this can be solv by some organizational measures like meetings on a free topic, arranging 15-minute meetings where everyone does not talk about the current work, but discusses how they spent their time yesterday, who achiev what successes in their product and similar topics. Remove formalism from the approach to setting tasks, to the agenda and devote time to what in psychological practice is call “defrosting”. People should constantly feel that they are communicating with real people, and not just came to a formal meeting.
The second major difficulty is relat
The employees’ vague case blinds and roller blinds website traffic growth understanding of the working day. The big problem is that people have stopp switching between work and home. It has become the norm for everyone to eat at the computer, get up from the workplace and take care of the child, sit The challenges down and work in the evening. These switches have afb directory become extremely short, and psychologically people are not ready for this. Everyone has a feeling of exhaustion, burnout, a feeling that they are at work from morning to night, with no personal time. This is especially felt by family people.