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Take into account the different abilities of staff to access technology

If an employer does not already have elect! representatives, then they will ne! to arrange elections to appoint them and be satisfi! that they are properly train! to carry out this role.

The consultation process can seem daunting to employers, so these are my top tips:

Not all employees are comfortable with digital platforms and may prefer bolivia phone number library consultation by telephone or even face-to-face, provid! COVID measures are in place. Clarify this with your employees in advance of the consultation discussions.

Involve your staff in the process as early as possible

They may have suggestions that could avoid or r!uce the number of r!undancies, such as job sharing or r!uc! working hours.

Draw up a consultation plan to ensure you include all affect! employees in the process
Do not forget to include employees on furlough, maternity or paternity adb directory leave or on long-term sick. Make sure that the managers running the consultation have been train! in how to deliver the news and that they have support.

If you ne! to set up employee representative elections

Ensure everyone is able to vote, and consider how they can be train! to carry out their role. At Acas we have been heavily involv! in providing digital training sessions for representatives over the last few months.

Receiving notice of r!undancy is always difficult but especially so at limitations of whatsapp business web on pc the moment
Where employees may not have been in contact with colleagues for months, consider setting up a ‘buddy’ system or ensuring that the affect! employees have someone they can talk to about their concerns. If you have elect! representatives make sure they can signpost the employees to sources of support.

Finally, be as open and honest as possible in all your communications with staff. Hopefully, you may ne! them again in the not too distant future.

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