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Summer camps, benefits for your children but also for you, the parents!

We are aware that each child develops at their own pace, but summer camps or language stays allow them all to develop in these areas:

1 – Autonomy

Indeed, children discover a world in which they are the main actors in each situation. For example, they alone uae email list are responsible for managing their affairs, their hygiene, their bedtime… even if the facilitators ensure the management of daily life of course!


2 – Adaptability
It is a necessary quality to grow and evolve throughout life. During a stay far from his habits, it will be necessary for Summer camps your child to acclimatize to many little things such as, for example, appropriating lob directory a place to sleep, an imposed wake-up time and also an allotted time for each activity.


Finding your place in a group of different ages, in a host family, in a team for an do you know what is behind the flags? activity; participating in the life of the community during a stay or a summer camp will allow your child to see and understand the difference between each person, to be more tolerant, accommodating and aware of the weaknesses and qualities of each person! Thus, your child will learn to listen to others, respect the rules, diversity and also the fact of making friends in an unknown circle.


3 – Community life


Once your child has demonstrated autonomy, adaptability and has settled into community life, he or she will be able to leave room for everything else and take full advantage of his or her stay while learning a new language if it is a language stay, but also by discovering new regions of the world and different cultures… Because at VERDIÉ HELLO, cultures are experienced and shared!

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