Home » Blog » Stop wasting the content your company has already produced! Re-optimize it!

Stop wasting the content your company has already produced! Re-optimize it!

Let’s start this article that talks about reoptimization with a dialogue taken from the classic Alice in Wonderland:

Alice: I just want to know which way to go.
Cheshire Cat: Well, that depends on where you want to go.
Alice: Well, that doesn’t really matter.
Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t really matter which way you go.

This dialogue is often used to motivate people and get them thinking. It also serves to introduce this article on content.

Let me explain: I see many companies producing a huge amount of content per day for blogs and social networks, but without even understanding exactly what they are for and how they will bring sales results.

Well, content without purpose is a waste of time and money!

READ MORE: Invest in content marketing to transform your business

Creating any type of content needs to whatsapp number list a previously defined strategy. Before establishing the amount and size of texts, it is necessary to take into account five important points:

1 – What is the objective?
The content developed by any company needs to have an objective (present a problem, educate, prepare for sale, build loyalty, etc.).

2 – Who will read it?

For the text written by your team, by you or by an outsourced team to achieve its objectives, it needs to be focused on the audience that needs the product or service that your company offers.

3 – What is the topic?
What kind of problem does your product or service solve? This answer will guide the topics to be addressed in the content. Through keyword research, it is possible to identify the terms most by the audience you want to reach and use them to develop the themes and content.

4 – What is the editorial line?
Once you have defined the target audience, it becomes easier to know which editorial line to follow. Will it be necessary to use more technical or more simplified language? Is this audience to more serious or more casual texts?

5 – Where will it?
Before you start typing the first words, research the ways in which this audience will access the content that your company will develop: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, blog, ebook, among others. Each one requires a different size and language.

Without assertive research on these five points, your content runs the serious risk of not achieving its objective, which is to sell!

My company has already produced a lot of content without a strategy. What now?

Don’t worry, there’s a solution for everything. You’ll need to re-optimize the advantages are reduced office content. Here are some guidelines for you:

Take inventory

What type of content have you produced? Create a cmo email list with the titles, topics covered, publication dates, and the platforms. This way, it will be easier to know the amount of material and the editorial line followed.

Separate content according to the sales funnel

In content marketing, there is a so-called sales funnel , made up of the top, middle and bottom of the funnel. The top of the funnel presents the problem to the consumer; the middle delves into the subject and prepares the consumer for the sale; and the bottom of the funnel explains how your product or service can be the solution to the consumer’s problem. Use this concept to organize the content you have already created.

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