
some data and new guidelines for minors

When we talk about SPID , PEC or electronic signature we are not talking about anything too new. These are themes and technologies that concern digital identity that have existed for several years: a period that is perceived as very long for the very fast standards to which Digital Transformation has accustomed us all. However, there is a very decisive and unprecedented acceleration on everything relating to this topic.

An acceleration

That is the result of the emergency period South Korea Phone Number List triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. In the dramatic phases that we are leaving behind, in fact, the importance of speeding up a whole series of procedures, being able to carry them out remotely, in a safe and digital way , has become clear in all its urgency and necessity. But not only. In fact, all of us had the opportunity to verify firsthand how much time and effort.

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we could save by carrying out

For example, authentication processes online to access Afghanistan Phone Number List tax bonuses, preferably in just a few clicks. Well, what is certain is that this acceleration is certainly not running out of steam, and that it has yet to bear its ripest fruits . Fruits that have to do with optimization, simplicity, saving time and money… but also with integration with other digital sides. Let’s proceed, however, in order; and we open this article by providing a first definition of digital identity .

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