
No comment the summer tourist

This above all because the right offer at the right time can make the difference. The Real Web expert team has been at the service of its customers for years: contact us to find out about our offers or sign up if you want to stay updat thanks to our strategic monitoring.Reopening yes, but safely Switzerland Reopening Reopening yes, but safely realweb Articles, covid19 tourism marketing, digital marketing, restart, tourisms security, express in the quality of the product and services.

Safety and quality are therefore

The watchwords of every accommodation Lebanon Phone Numbers facility and tourist destination. The confirmation comes from the DACH and Italian markets which immiately mov in this direction, trying to reassure the traveler and satisfying the new nes deriving from the Covid-19 crisis. On June 8, the Swiss resort Graubünden reopen its ski lifts, kicking off the summer.

The new season has start yes

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but with confidence: events with more Albania Phone Number List than 1000 people will be bann until August. On their website, however, the focus has always been on interaction with tourists, an example is the Graubünden Romansh course, or the standardiz and unitary version of the Swiss Romansh language, entitl “Sas ti rumantsch?”. Rumantsch Switzerland In mid-May, the Engadine also launch the “7 personalities, 7 stories and 7 videos” campaign on the Facebook channel to keep tourists interest in the locality.

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