
Marketing Budget Breakdown organization may

New Staff Not every role in marketing requires a budget for new staff.

I budget for many projects and

Initiatives where staffing is handled by a separate department. However, your  require you to account for full-time staff financially.

When you hire, you need to

Include costs such as the Life Insurance Telemarketing Leads employee’s computer, technology, benefits, and onboarding-related needs. According to Zippia, the average cost of hiring a new employee is.

Advertising When I budget

I need to account for more than just content production. I also need to set aside money to promote the content my team produces.

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That’s where your advertising budget

Comes into play. Plan out how much you’ll spend on paid opportunities such as physical advertising, native advertising, sponsored content, search engine advertising, and social media promotions.

Most businesses will benefit from some

Form of online advertising, whether it’s through social media platforms, search engines, or native advertising.

Statista estimates that by 2020, there will be more than 1 billion internet users worldwide. If you’re not advertising A Deep Dive into the Lexington Herald online, you’re missing out.

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Content Creation
Content creation requires both resources (cameras, actors, software, etc. all cost money) and time (time is money, as the saying goes).

When I create content (including videos, photos, and even blog posts), I invest paid time.

Content marketing drives three times

More leads than traditional options, so it’s worth investing money in this area.

Budget how much money you’ll need to invest in creating this content so you can adjust accordingly based on your ROI.

Now that you know what to include in your budget, let’s see how those funds are spent.

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Companies typically spend % to % of their total company revenue on marketing. According to the Gartner CMO Survey, marketing budgets as a percentage of company revenue fell from % in the previous year to % in.

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