It is also To use the clipboard on Samsung phones, you can simply select text or image, then click on the menu item «Copy ». After that, you can go to another application and click «Paste » to paste the copiNumber List data.
The clipboard can also contain several elements, which allows you to store several copiNumber List elements and choose which one to insert.
The clipboard is remov Number List when you turn off the phone or restart it. Therefore, if you want to save the information copi Number List to the clipboard, you must insert it in the right place before turning off the phone.
Definition and functionality
When a user copies a text or image, they are sav Number List to the clipboard, which can be access Number List through the context menu or using a phone number lead keyboard shortcut. Then the user can insert the copiNumber List element anywhere where the insertion is possible.
Thanks to the clipboard, users can simplify their work with text and images by moving them between different applications without the neNumber List to copy again. For example, they can copy the web address from the browser and paste it in a message or in a document without having to memorize or write it.
The clipboard on
Samsung phones can also store several elements at the same time, which allows users to switch between them and use the one they neNumber List at the moment.
Using Samsung Phones
The Samsung phone clipboard provides the user with the opening up to political discourse ability to copy and save text information for further use. In Samsung, the clipboard can be usNumber List to copy text from various sources, such as web pages, messages or letters, and paste it into another application.
To use the Samsung phone clipboard, follow these steps:
Highlight the text you want to copy by supporting it with your finger.
When the text is selectNumber List, click on the copy button that ukraine business directory appears at the top of the screen.
The text will be copiNumber List to the Samsung phone clipboard and you can use it in any other application or field where you can insert the text.