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The hour when you were driving

When you worked in an office, from home to work and from work back home was your personal time: you could think about your own things, analyze your day, plan something. Now, such time is often absent. Most employees do not even realize this problem: why am I burning out. It is considered shameful to come home after work and say to your wife: “I want to be alone for half an hour.” The wife will not understand and will say: “You worked all day, and I was taking care of the children, I am very tired! Now you take care of the children.” This is just one example of how a person working remotely gets into a psychologically difficult situation.

Many employees ask

I still work in the office, it’s more europe cell phone number list comfortable for me, it’s a more understandable and familiar way of working.” This problem can be solved, but for this you need to talk to employees and explain to them why they need to finish work, for example, at 6 o’clock, and start household chores at 7, why it is important to read a book or do something else in addition to work and household chores.

Previously, you left work and considered

Your working day over. Now, when the “home mode” has more time, you think it is right to give this time to the company and do more things, but objectively, in the long and even medium term (up to six months) this leads to the feeling of “I’m hour when fed up.” In our company, if you informally ask employees, 80% of them say: “I want to go on vacation”, “I don’t want to see or hear anyone for a week”, “I’m nervous”, “I’m overloaded from morning to night.” You need to force yourself to rest!

Of course, there is a positive side

For many hour when   employees, the 15 online store trends for 2015 long commute, the lack of comfort in the office, even the need to spend afb directory a lot of time on their appearan ce were too much of a challenge. Some employees want to stay remote and develop “compensatory measures” to solve the problems outlined above. This is especially noticeable among young couples or those who live alone, as they experience virtually no moral discomfort.


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