Banks and their customers (transforming the knowledge acquired about a single customer into a strong competitive advantage). Financial services institutions that invested earlier and more than others in advanced data management systems have managed to increase the quality of their performance , improve the customer experience and ultimately increase profits . In the data-driven banking paradigm, the business objective is no longer resolved in a simple incremental gain but .
Through advanced data analysis
Aims to identify ever new opportunities , often Canada Phone Number List hidden or still unexplored. Before looking at the extremely vital present of data-driven banking and projecting ourselves into the future of the sector, let’s stop for a moment to discover the somewhat universal nature of the relationship that still binds banks and customers today. 4 trends for the banking sector Information , knowledge , trust : it all starts with data Quello di .
Data-driven bankingnon è un
concetto nuovo ma ha assunto oggi una importanz Estonia Phone Number List senza precedenti. Per coglierne l’effettiva portata è necessario considerare il data-driven banking in relazione a un altro concetto, da sempre centrale nel marketing di questo settore, quello di “fiducia”. Banche e istituti finanziari fondano il rapporto con i loro clienti sulla fiducia. Lato cliente fidarsi significa innanzitutto condividere una serie di informazioni sensibili.