Financial marketing strategies
commissions are an important source of income for banks and credit institutions. This is another strategy that the sector has followed since its interest margin was reduced due to the low interest rates we have had in recent years.
Commission income is generated by:
Charging for financial services: difference between the. Money they lend (granting loans) and the money they hold in custody (deposits, investment funds, etc.).
>commissioning for direct services. These are commissions charged, in addition to interest rates. Such as the commission for maintaining a current account, debit or credit card fee, for issuing a transfer, for france phone number list opening a loan, for paying a bill, etc.
>The combination of all these actions are the design of strategy to follow strategies that banks or financial institutions follow in their financial marketing.
How to apply financial marketing within your company?
To do this, you must perform these three essential actions :
Work processes.
Financial marketing actions
we see it in depth.
1.- finance
This way, you can measure whether the spam data actions you take are improving your profitability and the roi of the investments made in marketing your finances.
work processes
strategies: planning how you. Are going to achieve your goals.
Equally for the entire company.
Measure and measure result. To improve them.
>by having defined work processes to achieve the objectives and strategie. Defined in your strategic plan, each employee in your company. Knows what they have to do and how to do it, making it easier to control.
marketing your marketing plan
Customer-oriented marketing will help you understand their problems and how you can help them.