Home » The most striking election campaigns: from left-wing cloud to Huishoudbeurs

The most striking election campaigns: from left-wing cloud to Huishoudbeurs

most striking  Left- most striking  wing cloud, most striking  nationalizing energy companies, not working with the far right: if you followed the news in recent weeks, it seemed like a national campaign. Yet we are going to the polls for the Provincial States. These local representatives in turn choose the new members for the First Chamber for the coming 4 years. And you would almost forget, but you can also cast your vote for the water boards. So it is not surprising that political parties are pulling out all the stops to win your vote. And now that the polls are open, it is a good time to look back: what happened during this campaign? And what can we learn from it?

The left cloud

The VVD kicked off the campaign with a double interview with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Edith Schippers, the VVD’s top candidate in the Senate.  That is your own party that you want to belong to. And the group that you are opposing.

In this case, the VVD does this by saying that the left- oman email list 2.7 million contact leads wing cloud wants to increase taxes. The VVD has chosen the frame and consistently maintained it. This can also be seen in the much-discussed campaign video in which they oppose demonstrating farmers and climate activists:


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And the VVD online team was given carte blanche to come up with funny social posts


Instagram post from the VVD with weather forecast what is the purpose of a landing page? marketing best practices about left-wing clouds.
Instagram post from the VVD.


Conflict works
Political parties often use this campaign technique and this conflict has previously proven to be successful. During the 2012 Second Chamber elections, a real conflict was created between the VVD and america email list the PvdA. This battle was successful for both parties. The parties won no less than 41 (VVD) and 38 (PvdA) seats.

GroenLinks and the PvdA can therefore count their blessings with this conflict created by the VVD. They immediately responded eagerly. The frame of “De Linkse Wolk” was immediately embraced with hashtags, cloud icons and a joint video with clouds in the background:


And at the same time they can do exactly the same for their own supporters: oppose the VVD.


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