All of this information needs to be shared when contacting them for the first . time. Do I need to follow the gdpr regulation if my organization is based outside . of the eu? Yes the gdpr is about the eu data subjects and not about . organization is located in a place where the eu laws . apply by virtue of public international law you do have to comply.
May apply In our recent
Now maybe if . you’re in north korea you don’t need to follow the gdpr because the eu laws . do not really apply in north korea. But if you are based somewhere else like . the united states europe organization most other countries you do need to follow the gdpr. citizens’ data so it’s not about where the company is located. . How to keep your sales process gdpr compliant the easiest way to stay gdpr compliant .
Gdpr isn’t anything you
Is to use an email disclaimer the first time you reach rcs data out. It might feel . a bit clunky at first but it protects your company and shows your prospects that . you are committed citizens’ following the rules. to include? Address . and full details of your company. This can be included in your email signature line. . Inform them of their rights including where you found their data what information categories you .
Asked questions about gdpr in
Have the purpose of the data where it will be stored and stop wasting the content your company has already produced! re-optimize it! how long you . will store it for. Let them know they have a right to lodge a complaint . and the right to get a copy of their data. . How to express their rights. For example you could tell them that they need to . reply to the email with a number of the rights they want to apply.
What that means is when
So . if I want you to stop contacting me I just reply facebook users One. If I want . you to erase my and and also get a copy I reply Two and three. cons to this type of disclaimer. The main pro is that . it is complying with the gdpr according to our understanding and it offers a straightforward . and painless process for the data subject to basically express a request.