Clarify Table of contents 1. What does the Simplifications Legislative Decree say regarding the obligation to conserve books and records? 2. Why is it still necessary to keep accounting books and records? The approval of the Simplifications Decree 73/2022 , which took place definitively in the first days of August with the conversion law 122/2022, brought several important innovations. Among these, one of the most discussed concerns the obligation to maintain accounting books and records and its repeal .
what are the implications of
This innovation? Is this really a simplification for Malaysia Phone Number List companies? In this contribution we will try to retrace the changes that have occurred and offer an interpretation of what they mean for Italian companies. SPID accelerates business innovation What does the Simplifications Legislative Decree say regarding the obligation to conserve books and records? With the final approval by the Senate.
which took place on 2 August 2022
Article 1 of the Simplifications Decree Iran Phone Number List implements a proposal put forward by the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. In particular, article 1 modifies article 7, paragraph 4-quater of Legislative Decree no. 10 June 1994. 357, whose text now reads as follows: “Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4-ter, the