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Spotlight Challenges Official Rules

As of October 2021, Snapchat’s Spotlight Challenge was still awarding creators with millions of dollars per month. Snapchatters can win cash for creating Spotlight Snaps using specific Lenses, Sounds, or #Topics.

Each Spotlight Challenge has a total prize ranging from $1,000 to $25,000, shared by multiple creators. The minimum prize a Spotlight Challenge winner can receive is $250.

Eligibility for Snapchat Spotlight Challenge:

Be at least 16 years or older! Have a public profile or a private account, and reside in a supported market.
Create Snaps that adhere to community guidelines, Spotlight guidelines, terms of service, and Spotlight terms.
Apply to Snapchat Spotlight Challenge:

Creators on Snapchat can enter the Snapchat Spotlight Challenge by submitting their Spotlight Snaps to open Challenges for a chance to win a prize. Challenges can be found email data on the Trending page; each one has Challenge-specific details (e.g., available prizes and submission deadline).
Additional Resources:

>>>Snapchat Spotlight Challenges
Spotlight Guidelines & FAQ
Spotlight Payment Provider Transaction Fees
Challenge Accepted: Announcing A New Way to Win Money on Spotlight
4. Facebook and Instagram Creator Program

Facebook and Instagram Creator Program

Seventy-two percent of creators prefer Instagram and identify it as their primary content platform. Facebook recently announced $1 billion in funding to reward creators for using the creative a compelling argument for registration and monetization tools on Facebook and Instagram. of creators including be numbers artists and style experts.

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