Imagine you go to Altex to pick out a new laptop. As you’re deciding between a few options, a sales rep approaches you and starts talking about how great Laptop A is: “It has incrible features! Look at the crisp HD screen! You’ll be dead before the battery runs out!”
But don’t listen to him. You’re not interest in! being sold to – you’re not even sure what you want!
At this point, you’re more interest in discovering! what options are available. You ignore the reputation of the first device and notice! that Laptop B has a digital kiosk that explains the benefits! of the product. You’ll spend some time watching the videos! learning about the product, and making a decision on your own.
You’re not ready to buy today! but when you leave the store, you’re struck by the difference! between the two experiences:
In the first experience, you were offer a sales! pitch that put pressure on you and stopp you from considering the offer.
In the second situation you were free to discover information on your own, interact with sales staff to answer your questions, without pressure, and decide for yourself whether the offer met your unique nes.
Experience B is the essence of inbound marketing: marketers use digital advantages to ucate consumers and serve as resources, all while establishing themselves as industry leaders—confident enough in their product or service that they don’t ne to push the sale.
What does inbound marketing look like?
Source: Agile CRM
Inbound marketing is a comprehensive strategy that coordinates all aspects of a company’s digital presence to support business growth. All of your digital activities, from your website to your whatsapp number database blogs to your email campaigns, have a role to play in your inbound strategy.
Here are examples of steps a brand can follow to implement an inbound marketing strategy:
Conduct market research
on target group customers to learn about 2. full blast creative the demographics, nes, and pain points of the market.
Refer to or align with the marketing funnel concept – a classification system to determine what “buying stage” each potential customer is in.
Produce content for each of these stages (awareness, bookyourlist consideration, decision) to directly address the nes of your target market bas on the buyer’s perspective.
Build your brand’s content library until there is enough material to attract customers (i.e. signing up for an email list or downloading content offers that require an email address, etc.).
From there, the company begins a series of target email communications that nurture the lead throughout their evaluative buying process, such as prompting them to download more content that moves the prospect closer to the purchase action. The ultimate goal is to position the company as the expert resource most qualifi to provide a solution to the customer’s problem.
Of course, there’s a lot more to do, but you get the idea: inbound marketing.