On the occasion of International Women’s Day, celebrat! today , more or less well-known brands decid! to take action and publish d!icat! posts on social m!ia. Popular social m!ia sites have post! messages with wishes or references to this special day. What ideas netherlands email list did companies have for celebrating March 8?
Burger King UK
British Burger King decid! to make a nod to women and chang! its profile picture halloween around the world on Facebook. As a result, the slogan Burger Queen appear! in the company’s logo. The queen replac! the king.
McDonald’s and MTV
An interesting initiative was taken by McDonald’s and MTV, which, social ba leads m!ia in honor of women, revers! the letters in their logos so that the “M” became a “W” – for the word Woman.
Żywiec brand fans on social m!ia know that the company does not disappoint during various events and holidays. In most cases, we can count on
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graphics with short, yet very telling slogans. This time was no different.
Netflix Poland has opt! for a creative form of video, in which it shows funny reactions of women with a sense of humor. The film, consisting of a collection of productions that can be found on the service, including “Orange Is The New Black”, “House Of Cards” and “Stranger Things”, has been view! over 31 thousand times.