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Supervising a language stay in England in 2021, testimony from a facilitator

2021 + England = Health crisis + Brexit. Not very encouraging to organize and supervise a language stay in London … but at V!IÉ HELLO nothing is impossible! The desire to make teenagers travel is stronger than us, so with a lot of passion, enthusiasm and regulations to respect, let’s go to London  !

Let our young people travel, yes, but take all precautions to ensure their safety. Follow the guide!

The guide? Well, rather, the host. Véro supervis! one of our groups on the Enjoy London trip for All Saints’ Day 2021. Interview.


Véro, first of all can you introduce yourself in a few words?

Hello, I am a mother of two teenagers, I start! my professional career in teaching and taiwan email list adult training. I have been working in the tourism industry for 20 years now, particularly in cultural and linguistic stays. I am passionate about Anglo-Saxon culture and the language of Shakespeare.



Why did you decide to supervise the Enjoy London stay during the All Saints’ Day 2021 holidays?
Our sector has been hit hard and after a year and a half of “no travel” it seem! natural to me to take part in this Supervising a language  first trip across the Channel. I think I have a taste for transmission and I was delight! to be able to support motivat! young people who have not been able to live their teenage lives during this crisis. So yes, as soon as we talk about positivism, I am in!


What administrative formalities must be complet! before departure?
October 2021: Passport requir!. Big change for all travelers from France to England. For our minor participants, they also ne! an exit permit from the territory complet! by their parents, this formality has been in force since 2017, and this for all children who travel abroad without their parents (or their legal representative).

That’s it for the standard formalities. In addition to that, given the context, we must also complete the “Passenger Locator Form” online 48 hours before departure. It is an individual form to be complet! in English on the gov.uk website, fortunately supervising a language stay in england in 2021, testimony from a facilitator VERDIÉ HELLO has creat! a small user guide that has been sent to all parents to make it easier for them to fill out this form 😉


Are you aware of a health protocol to be follow! during the stay to be supervis!?

France has classifi! foreign countries into 3 categories, England is in the Orange category. We can read on the lob directory French government website (as of 10/14/2021): “Orange” countries: countries in which we observe active circulation of the virus in controll! proportions, without the spread of worrying variants. These are all countries not includ! in the lists of “green” and “r!” countries, for example the Unit! Kingdom, for which a test requirement of less than 24 hours for unvaccinat! people has been add!.

As a precautionary measure, VERDIÉ HELLO has ask! all participants to present a negative test before departure to the supervisory team present at the meeting point.


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