
Recommendations for Typography in the Phonto Application

Sometimes when using social media you definitely need good photos and videos by adding typography or fonts that are unique and different from the others. By using the Phonto application, friends can have the opportunity to explore various types of fonts. However, to get good enter the results of their choice into the phonto application. However, if you don’t want to find it difficult to choose outside the website, you can make the options in the phonto application more creative.

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The following are typography recommendations that you can follow to improve the photos you want to upload to social media. 1. Photo by The first recommendation has different types and uniqueness when editing photos and videos. One of the unique  Russia WhatsApp Number Data things about this font is that it looks like cursive writing, but it looks stiffer and has a curve that makes the font better. Therefore, this font is very suitable if friends want to add this font to an aesthetic picture/photo theme, street photos and others, so that the results look luxurious. 2. Photo by  This second option has a font type that is quite the same as Comforta on Google Docs/Microsoft Word. However, this text can be used if you need.

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A simple and concise font or there is a task that requires a name. By attaching the text, everything you want can be realized. 3. Regular Cuban Photo by This font has a different shape from the previous font, but has simple characteristics such as time new Canada WhatsApp Number List roman and the font is dominantly bold. So with its characteristics it looks simpler and not too excessive when you want to include this font as the best choice when displaying images and videos. 4. American Typewriter Word. So if friends use this font, there will be a different and unique touch to the text.

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