contact name: Abby Thompson
contact job function details: Project Engineer
contact job function: project
contact job title: Project Engineer
contact job seniority: Entrance
contact person city: Lawrence
contact person state: Kansas
contact person country: USA
contact person zip code:
business name:
business domain: Horizon PSI
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city: 1983
business zip code: Lawrence
business state: 66046
business country: Kansas
business language: 37
business employee: USA
business category: English
business specialty: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
business technology: Continuous dense phase conveying, batching, mixing, dilute phase conveying, process safety, product safety, controls, engineering services, comprehensive system audits, preventive maintenance programs, system or component repairs and upgrades, plastics, mechanical or industrial engineering
business description: outlook, office_365, asp_net, microsoft-iis, google_analytics, bootstrap_framework, youtube, recaptcha, mobile_friendly
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