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8 tips for setting up a Google Ads campaign from scratch

Investing in Google Ads is, indeed, a very interesting way to appear to users who search for your product or service on the internet and increase the chances of sales.

But to get good results with Google Ads, you need to know how to set up a good campaign, find the right keywords, write an attractive ad and target people appropriately. Otherwise, you will waste time and money and still not attract the right customers!

Therefore, if your intention is to invest in Google Ads to place your company in the first paid search results, you will need to carry out good planning and get the most out of the Google platform.

READ MORE: How to invest in online advertising?

Tips for setting up an efficient Google Ads campaign

Whether for desktop or mobile, companies europe cell phone number list to be strategic and assertive when setting up their campaigns on Google Ads.

By getting the keywords, title and description of the ad right, the chances of the product/service appearing exactly in the results at the time users are searching for a particular service or product are greater.

Understand some important points to ensure your campaign is successful:

1 – Know your market

This will be the key point for you to have an idea of ​​how to how bulk sms marketing is transforming customer engagement out and reach the right people who are really interested in your business.

Understanding how people search for your product or service on the internet is the starting point for getting your campaign right.

Oh, and this research extends to your competitors. See what they’re doing right and how you can stand out.

2- Define the keywords for your business

By understanding how searches for your cmo email list happen, you need to define which words will “trigger” your ad on Google’s search network. If you sell natural dog food, but understand that people are also searching for healthy dog ​​food, include both terms in your ad setup.

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