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3 Tricks to Increase Sales


Give your landing page to someone close to you to read, test it. This way you will find out how a real person reacts to your page, whether everything is clear to them, what caused mistrust, and what, on the contrary, worked well. Because a good landing page is a landing page, the only indicator of successful work of which is sales.

Social benefits, evidence

Emphasize in the text the points that distinguish you from your competitors, provide motivating figures, think through all the details at once – there will be no other option. In addition to the advantages of the product you offer, a guarantee of refunding the buyer’s money within a certain time can also be a social benefit.

Trust Elements

Creating a landing pageincludes such trust elements as real customer reviews, results of your previous successful campaigns. Reviews written by copywriters are always noticeable, be as honest with the buyer as possible.


An important element of a well-thought-out landing telegram data page campaign is the message. What you brought to the buyer. Perhaps the most popular request today is ways to achieve success.

Call to action

Motivate the client to make a purchase or leave contact information, having previously explained what he will receive in return. Targeted calls can be various requests for free services, for example: website audit, price calculation, consultations, downloading books, etc. An example of what we did for the website Miss Ukraine:


Select price option

Segmented price selection works very well, when the user is given the right to choose – standard, business or vip.

      • Term LimitationAnother motivating factor is making payment for a product/service before a certain date. The trick is that the sooner the payment is made, the cheaper the selected service will cost the client.
      • AdaptabilityAdaptability to various gadgets is guaranteed to list of us mobile phone numbers increase conversion and attract additional traffic to your site. An example of what we did for Comfort Visa:


      • PromotionHow will your potential buyer find out about you? Use social media,contextual advertisingand any other advertising methods available to you.
      • TestingSpelling check and A/B testing are a how to create an effective facebook advertising campaign must when launching any landing page.


A professionally created landing page sells without selling. There are many ways to achieve good sales, the main thing is not to act in a template, be as open as possible with the buyer and do not be afraid to experiment!

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